Sunday, January 3 rd
Prayer focus topic—Church leadership
Prayer points—Pray for Jim and Jerry as the shepherds of the flock that they will have wisdom
to lead the body and courage and boldness in making decisions. Ask for God’s help for them in
their work of overseeing the spiritual needs of the Church here. Pray for Bill in his work of
outreach and counseling that he will bless the lives of many. Pray for Andy in his work as an
evangelist that he will faithfully preach the word and be an encouragement to the Church. Pray
for the unofficial leaders of the Church and the work they are doing to serve. Pray that God will
raise up new leaders to grow and develop and mature so that the body can be built up. Pray for
men who may desire to serve as elders or deacons in the future. Pray that the leaders will equip
and empower the members of the body to do the work of the Church. Pray all that all members of
the body will see specific areas where they can lead and serve and that we will all be looking for
ways to take responsibility to serve the Church in various ways.