About Us
Who Are These People?
We are Christians only. We are nondenominational, we desire to serve only God and His word in all that we do. It is our goal to worship and practice our faith with the simplicity and sincerity of the church that is described in the New Testament, an to teach the Bible without adding human traditions or creeds. It is also our goal to help those who worship and visit with us discover the rich blessings there are in following Jesus Christ. So we continually encourage those seeking a relationship with our Lord, to study His word so those blessings can grow in each of our lives.
What You Can Expect In Worship
As you are visiting, we want to let you know some of the things that will be taking place during worship. As always, if you have any questions, please ask. We want you to feel comfortable, and if there is any way we can assist you, please let us know.
We want to encourage you join us as we worship together in song for God. You will find hymnals located on your chair. Don’t feel self conscious about your singing, just open your mouth and praise God! He doesn’t care how it sounds; He just wants you to express your heart to Him.
There will be several prayers during the worship period. During prayers, we usually stand or sit quietly with our heads bowed while the prayer is spoken for the assembly. If you have a prayer request they will be taken before we begin worship.
Communion is offered each Sunday and Christians are invited to participate in this act of faith. After a short talk, a prayer will be offered for the bread, then a plate of unleavened bread will be passed among those present. Each participant is to take a small piece of bread, reminding him/her of the body of Christ, then passes the plate. Following another prayer the grape juice will be also passed, representing the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for us. Each participant takes the cup, drinks from it, returns it to the tray and then passes to the next person. During this time the congregation sits quietly and meditates. If you don’t wish to participate in communion, please feel free just to pass the trays on when they come to you.
The Offering
Following the Communion there will be an offering. This is a time for members of the Cape Cod church of Christ to give to support the work of this congregation. If you are visiting, please feel comfortable just passing the collection tray to the next person without making a gift, or make a gift if you prefer. On the last Sunday of the month we take a second offering for the missionary work that we help support. You are welcomed to contribute if you wish, or you can again just pass the tray to the next person. Both of these collections are obligations taken on by this congregation to help spread the gospel.
Usually, a part of each worship period will be devoted to preaching the Bible. We strive to make to these sermons interesting and relevant to the lives of those attending. At the end of the sermon an invitation will be extended. This will be a time when people may come forward to express any need they have for the special attention of the church. There may be no response, or some may ask for prayers for a special need in their lives. This is also a time when people may come forward and confess their faith and are baptized into Christ to become a Christian. If there is something that was taught in the message that you feel is not right according to God’s word, please talk with us. We as the body of Christ only want to teach and preach that which is true according to the Bible.